- Om oss
- Personal - Internetpsykiatri
- Current page: Psychologists
Most of the psychologists working with our Internet treatments are licensed psychologists. At times there are also "PTP-Psychologists" (who have completed their master’s degree in psychology and are doing practical orientation in order to obtain their practitioner's license) working with us, and also supervised psychology students.
Sofia Hofstedt
Assistant Head of Unit Licensed Psychologist
Karl Jarnvik
Licensed Psychologist Quality Manager Parental leave
Henning Lidholm
Licensed Psychologist
Ann Rosén
Licensed Psychologist Doctoral Student
Susanna Österman
Licensed Psychologist Doctoral Student Parental leave
Anna Bellander
Licensed Psychologist Parental leave
Erik Forsell
Licensed Psychologist Doctor of Medical Science Psychologist responsible for development
Maria Larsson
Licensed Psychologist Parental leave
Anna Sewall
Licensed Psychologist
David Zamandegleh
Licensed Psychologist
Carl Wahlström
Licensed Psychologist
Johanna Nyberg
Licensed psychologist
Ebba Biörklund
Licensed psychologist
Eleanor Lundberg
Licensed psychologist
Tatiana Fyllidou
Licensed psychologist